cold air machine - перевод на русский
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cold air machine - перевод на русский

Cold air damming
  • When warm air ahead of an oncoming storm system overrides cool air trapped east of a mountain range, cloudiness and precipitation can occur for prolonged periods of time
  • Representation of typical geographical locations for the development of each type of CAD event. The areas are separated by where the parent anticyclone is located for CAD onset.
  • This shows the CAD spectrum in terms of intensity and relative contribution of diabatic processes to synoptic-scale forcing. (a) is the original scheme and (b) is the revised scheme.
  • A [[high-pressure area]] centered over the [[Great Basin]] gives rise to a Santa Ana wind event as the airmass flows through the passes and canyons of southern California, manifesting as a dry northeasterly wind.
  • Map of the labeled weather stations in the Southeastern US that are suitable for use in the CAD detection algorithm
  • This [[TRMM]] [[weather satellite]] shows the wind impact of a Tehuantepecer from December 16, 2000 at 1315 UTC.

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строительное дело

воздушная холодильная машина

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воздушная холодильная машина
cold wave         
Cold Snap; Coldsnap; Cold Wave; Cold spell; Coldwaves; Cold waves; Coldwave; Cold wave (weather); Cold snap; Cold air outbreak; List of cold waves
волна холода


автоматическое оружие для поражения наземных, воздушных и морских целей. Изобретен в 80-х гг. 19 в. Различают пулеметы ручные (с сошкой), станковые (на треноге или колесах), единые, используемые в обоих вариантах, и крупнокалиберные; по назначению - пехотные, зенитные, авиационные, танковые и др. По калибру пулеметы делятся на пулеметы малого (до 6,5 мм), нормального (от 6,5 до 9 мм) и крупного (от 9 до 14,5 мм) калибра.


Cold-air damming

Cold air damming, or CAD, is a meteorological phenomenon that involves a high-pressure system (anticyclone) accelerating equatorward east of a north-south oriented mountain range due to the formation of a barrier jet behind a cold front associated with the poleward portion of a split upper level trough. Initially, a high-pressure system moves poleward of a north-south mountain range. Once it sloshes over poleward and eastward of the range, the flow around the high banks up against the mountains, forming a barrier jet which funnels cool air down a stretch of land east of the mountains. The higher the mountain chain, the deeper the cold air mass becomes lodged to its east, and the greater impediment it is within the flow pattern and the more resistant it becomes to intrusions of milder air.

As the equatorward portion of the system approaches the cold air wedge, persistent low cloudiness, such as stratus, and precipitation such as drizzle develop, which can linger for long periods of time; as long as ten days. The precipitation itself can create or enhance a damming signature, if the poleward high is relatively weak. If such events accelerate through mountain passes, dangerously accelerated mountain-gap winds can result, such as the Tehuantepecer and Santa Ana winds. These events are seen commonly in the northern Hemisphere across central and eastern North America, south of the Alps in Italy, and near Taiwan and Korea in Asia. Events in the southern Hemisphere have been noted in South America east of the Andes.